财新传媒 财新传媒











第一, 始终要坚持主业,自己能做什么、会做什么,要十分清楚,彭博就是做财经信息服务的公司,不会去造汽车;也许提供的产品形式会有变化,文字的、图表的、音频的、视频的,但万变不离其宗,还是提供财经信息服务,专注于这项业务,服务于特定人群。


If you had to describe the company, I think we are an information company. We have always been in the financial news business.  We started by displaying news in numbers, then in graphs, then in text, then in sound, then in sound and moving pictures.  So we have evolved, but the fundamentals in who we serve have not changed.


 You've got to know what you do well. Just because you can do one business well and run it doesn't mean those skills are transferrable to another one necessarily.  And I think people make that mistake all the time. They forget what got them there. 


  Now you have to innovate. You have to change. You have to recognize that your customers' needs are different and what you are doing gets superseded by somebody else that's better.  But, for example, we're not going to go into the business of building automobiles. We know nothing about building automobiles.  We're going to stick to our business.



The challenge is to find unique content that a customer needs. If it's not unique, you have no pricing power. If it's not useful, they don't want it. And the problem that newspapers have is by the time they deliver it to your door, you had seen it on 10 different screens.  And the problem that all of the people who put data on the internet have is it's all the same data.  It's the same stories.  So nobody is going to pay you for what the guy next door is giving away for nothing, and that's why the business models for most people in the media business are so bad. 


If you take a look like Netflix, they can have a unique series. If people really like that, they make a lot of money. They don't make any money typically in their news department. Why?  Because it's the same news on every station.  So you have to have something, that people want, but you also have to have it where nobody can copy it easily.




 We provide information that's useful to our customers.  Who are our customers?  The target customers are people in the financial/commercial worldSo yes, some of our customers want to get their information in paper. I read all my magazines and newspapers in paper, and there are many scientific studies that show you retain a lot more if you read it on paper versus reading on a screen.  So I don't think paper is going   away.  I think when you have dense information that requires you to focus on that information, paper will be around a very long time. When I go away, like on this trip, I left Sunday night. I took a stack of magazines that thick. I have on the plane been through all of those.


I read  BusinessWeek. I read The Economist. I read Time, Newsweek, Scientific American, Smithsonian, The Atlantic, Aviation Week and Space Technology.  I'm a pilot.  Popular Mechanics, Popular Science.  There have got to be a couple. The Week magazine is a good magazine.


If you read BusinessWeek and The Economist cover to cover, you wouldn't need to read anything else or ever watch television or anything else.  You would be the best-informed person at your next dinner party if you read both of those magazines. 




I was brought up on newspapers. I love newspapers. I love old-fashioned newspapers but today I read them on the Internet because of time. And in New York, I read the morning papers, then I read the London papers on my iPad. So there is no problem. But entertainment is very important.


With broadband coming, everything is changing. People now spend four or five hours on their iPhones, their smartphones, which is changing the world totally. I found it with my young children. They are on their iPhones while they are watching television, doing two things at once. That is very common.


The fact that now we have 2.5 billion people with smart phones, with access to knowledge all over the world, with access to each other. The government is going to change. The world is going to change. And its going to change very fast. Weve only had smart phones for eight years, and we have 2.5 billion, In another eight years, we will have five billion. The whole world will be on them. They will be doing business differently, they will talk on them, their family will be different. Everything will change.


There is no question to the power of social media, which can be abused very badly. We see how the Muslims with ISIS are very cleverly using it to recruit terrorists to kill people. Thats a powerful too. Equally, it can be used in other ways. We see even in America, people standing for election use the Internet a great deal and spreading their message. But thats just the world getting more complicated, more interesting and going ahead faster. If people exchange ideas faster, then you have faster innovation. Weve seen incredible innovations in the world in the last 10 or 15 years. Its in America. Its now coming very fast in China and youre going to find it going twice as fast in the next 10 years.









   We feel there is a big opportunity there. We think a lot of the years, more general newspapers have quite little bit reputation, have failed, theyre cutting back a lot, they are also very politicized. We feel there is room for really strong, comprehensive world news. Of course, mixed in that, there is a lot of business news, they are great things going on all over the world between different industries, and its affecting everybody. Thats all mixed in the news.


 Were very careful but all our news pages, what we call news pages, whether its world or technology, absolutely objective. Its exactly what we feel is true, whats going on. Then we have three pages in which we express opinions. We have leading people from all over the world writing articles, arguing with each other about what should be happening in the world. We have earned opinions on that. Thats a very strong part of the paper. But its separated from the news. Opinions and news are kept apart.


 I think its a question of quality. If newspapers have opinions, if they are really well-written, if theyre very reliable, people pay for them, then they are viable.


 You have newspaper on the Internet which are so good people will pay for it. There are just people who steal things, rewrite them and put them out, like Google. They are not reliable at all.



专访布隆伯格 http://video.caixin.com/2015-09-27/100857291.html 


专访默多克 http://video.caixin.com/2015-10-04/100859949.html







68篇文章 3年前更新

